Mangalayatan University
Mangalayatan University

Online Doctor of Philosophy in Counseling

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Online Doctor of Philosophy in Counseling normally require two to four years of additional education after master's degree, and may or may not need a master's thesis, but usually more extensive and of publishable quality. Online Doctor of Philosophy in Counseling programs are exceptionally particular.

Online Doctor of Philosophy in Counseling programs generally focus on areas such as clinical psychology, counseling psychology, or counselor education. Clinical psychology and counseling psychology programs are categorized like PhD or PsyD programs, while counselor education programs are only offered as EdD or PhD programs. The basic difference between PhD and PsyD programs is the quantity of research held. Although the application of research is stressed in both, Ph.D. programs emphasize conducting research, while PsyD programs tend to focus more on consuming and interpreting research. There are lots of Doctor of Philosophy in Counseling jobs. You can be a lecturer at a college or get a job as Rehabilitation counselor, Marriage and family counselor, counseling psychologist, behavioral disorder counselor, career counselor, school counselor, and mental health counselor. Doctor of Philosophy in Counseling salary ranges from $34,380 to $43,210 annually. You can get more as salary after getting some years of counseling experience.

Courses offered under Online Doctor of Philosophy in Counseling
  • Child & Adolescent Therapy - PhD in Marriage/Family Therapy
  • Couple Therapy - PhD in Marriage/Family Therapy
  • General - PhD in Marriage/Family Therapy
  • Medical Family Therapy - PhD in Marriage/Family Therapy
  • Therapy with Military Families - PhD in Marriage/Family Therapy

Online Doctor of Philosophy in Counseling Programs

Whenever prolific career fields are being concerned counseling is on the top. Whether it is family matter, business, career, education, parenting, health or any other stage of life; counselors are always remained on the top. As there are numbers of courses are being offered under the theme of counseling the highest degree is tag by doctor of philosophy in counseling that matched to top notch job profile where the roles and responsibilities of the same to direct and manage the team of counselors and research the new paths and explorive ways of serving the world with best coursing services.

There are numbers of themes where one can perform his or her duty of counselor like:
  • Health Counseling
  • Family and Relation Counseling
  • Parenting Counseling
  • Career and Education Counseling
  • Kids Counseling
  • School Counseling
  • Marriage Counseling
  • Psychology Counseling

All above fields are very common that needs the expert counselors and professionals that assist the society with best suggestions. After masters; students can take admission in online phd in counseling where they will learn many more concepts of counseling in varied theme in detail wise. Thus, go on explore the best doctor of philosophy in counseling online programs that ensure you with bright career prospects.

Colleges and Universities offering Online Doctor of Philosophy in Counseling
  • University of Phoenix
  • Capella University
  • Walden University
  • Liberty University
  • Stratford Career Institute
  • Post University
  • University of the Rockies