Mangalayatan University
Mangalayatan University

Online Christian Counseling Degrees

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Being a Christian counselor is the most interesting job for those who wish to pursue a career in counseling relating to theology and religion. Earning an online Christian counseling degree will enable you to assist individuals through most concerns including marriage and family counseling, coping with loss/death and substance abuse/addictions.

Online Christian counseling degree course is great for those persons who want to combine both faith and counseling, and for those already in a ministry or pastoral setting wishing to improve their skills on consoling and guiding their parishioners and fellow men. Online Christian counseling degree programs are very helpful for lots of people whether they are students, working professionals or housewives. Online Christian counseling degree program offers the flexibility to complete your course using the online resources provided by online college or university. Online Christian counseling degree program costs lower than the regular one. You don't need to leave your current job or change much in your daily routine. You don't need to go outside for completing your online Christian counseling degree. Just sit on your computer connected with the internet at your home and use the online resources.

Online Christian Counseling Degrees Programs

International Institute of Christian Counseling is the accredited body that offers accreditation to numbers of online christian counseling degrees being offered by varied online colleges. If you want to dedicate his or her career while imparting the education of christian counseling; then it necessary to pass with desire christian counseling degree programs.

  • Bachelor in Christian Counseling - Applied Christianity
  • Master in Christian Counseling
  • Master of Christian Counseling (MCC) in Clinical Psychology
  • Master of Christian Psychology in Clinical Psychology
  • PhD in Christian Counseling

If you want to enroll with bachelor then must have 12th certificate and in case of master you should pass with bachelor degree from any of the accredited college and for doctoral level; one need to have master degree. Before enrolling with any of the Christian counseling degree course; be sure that the respective online Christian counseling degree program should be accredited and authorized from the esteem highly bodies. It will make easy for you to get start with your career while connecting with any of the well reputed college or university or society organization and christian community center. It will not only offer smart salary package but also makes you with full job satisfaction while serving the christian community.

Colleges and Universities offering Online Christian Counseling Degrees
  • Argosy College
  • Capella University
  • Walden University
  • College of Saint Elizabeth
  • National University
  • Chicago School of Professional Psychology
  • Adler School of Professional Psychology
  • Pacifica Graduate Institute
  • Yorkville University